Friday, April 12, 2013

The Fray Fights Forward

So my very first post was about The Fray’s Happiness, and I have to say looking back now, I don’t think I did the song, nor the band justice. At the time writing it, I was just getting started. I was still trying to find my voice and the style I wanted for this blog. So I thought it would be nice if I did another one of my favorite songs by The Fray. As a way of allowing myself to redeem the greatness of what I consider, my favorite band.

by The Fray


What breaks your bones
Is not the load you're carrying
What breaks you down
Is all in how you carry

The lover held her love

She begged him not to go
She unwrapped his gloves
The lover said I know, I know, 
I know

Kissed his trembling lips
She touched his fingertips
But somehow they both know

He's not coming home, coming home

Read the rest  HERE

Lead vocalist Isaac Slade, explains in a track by track blog post;

“I was writing it mainly about the guy wrestling with his doubts. It's a scary thing to face your doubts, especially in a relationship. I think if it's just like [the notion that] if you don't face death, you can't really live. If you don't face divorce, you can't really stay married. It's not an 'I do,' and then you're set. It's an 'I do,' every day. So what I meant to communicate was that doubts are okay. Struggling in a relationship is okay. Wondering if there's somebody better is okay. Because then you choose to stay, instead of shrugging your shoulders, saying it's good enough. If you carry those doubts secretly hidden in the corner of your chest, they'll kill you.”
Read the rest of the song descriptions HERE

He used this metaphor of a boxer, to achieve that message. I love the lyrics because I feel like you see that power struggle there. You see a man trying to make the decision between love of a woman and love of his dream. But what Isaac describes as the meaning behind it, you can see how the lyrics do apply. The fight is the fight for this relationship, that striving to not give up in the face of doubt. I love that line “what breaks your bones, is not the load you’re carrying…” because I think that sentiment is spot on. Everyone has things they consider their deepest hardships, but maybe it isn’t those hardships that get the best of us, but rather how we handle them, and how we push through them.



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