Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bruno "Treasures" His Girl(s)


by Bruno Mars

Bruno has made quite the reintroduction with his latest album, keeping in sync with his unique old school style, but also adding a little more funky disco/reggae infused track list. Two genres that many wouldn't feel too  confident about meshing, but Bruno makes it work.

Bruno has quickly been deemed the guy who says what girls want to hear. His previous heartfelt serenades include "Just the way you are," "Marry You," and "It will Rain."  He speaks to his lady fans, in those tracks and also in this track entitled "Treasure"  off of his latest album Unorthodox Jukebox. 


Give me all, give me all, give me all your attention baby
I got to tell you a little something about yourself
You're wonderful, flawless, ooh you're a sexy lady
But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else

I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine

Oh girl I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey you're my golden star
You know you can make my wish come true
If you let me treasure you
If you let me treasure you

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

I guess it's an artist's job to speak directly to their target market, but really Bruno, do you have to be that smooth! ;) It's evident from these lyrics that it is a song about a man wanting to treasure his woman. To respect her and treat her right, that whoever she's with, or not with, isn't doing a good enough job.

Often times girls can feel insecure. With today's society pressuring all girls to fit a certain image, telling them what to wear, what not to wear, how to wear their hair, how to walk, how to talk, how to act. It's no wonder so many girls end up with eating disorders. The pressure to fit the mold is uncanning.

But the song is just proof that men need to be more like Bruno! haha. By voicing to girls that there's no need to strive for perfection. Perfection is still yet to be determined, because I'm pretty positive there isn't a person on this earth that has achieved it yet.

It's a very disco inspired upbeat song about exploring a girl's beauty. I love the lyrics to death and the meaning of the song is kick-ass, but I'd put this in the music category, because I just wanna boogie down!...haha yea I just said that, I'm on a disco with it! ;)



Hey Ladies... Bruno's winking at you ;)


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Shedding some light on The Lumineers

"Stubborn Love"
One more added to the CD collection

by The Lumineers                    

So I just bought their album...hell yea went to the store and actually bought a CD, I still do that crap. I haven't hopped on the whole digital download trail just yet. Anyway, many of you may know their radio hit; "Ho Hey", you just sang it didn't you? Anyway if you haven't heard it, maybe your living under a rock.

But whatever the case, this folksy trend has really sat right with me. I've fallen in love with The Civil Wars, have dabbled with some Fun, and have been urged to dive into all the glory that is Mumford & Sons, (my brother swears by them!). But now its onto these guys; The Lumineers.

How beautiful is that band name? Lumineers...illumination... illuminating? Like a vibrant presence of sorts. Not overly bright, not gaudy... but bright none the less and simple. And completely deserving of being noticed. A real head turner in the most elegant way.

As many music fans  know music is all consuming. It has tackled almost every media related genre possible. Music is used in films, on television shows, available on the internet and can still be heard on the radio. Every medium has found ways to incorporate music into their ideas, because the perfect song can attract a greater audience.

We will get to those trusty lyrics in just a bit, but can we first discuss this video!

This is the perfect sophomore video to their video for Ho Hey...both simple, understated, but it really tells a story. It follows this little girl through what could only be the divorce or separation of her parents. She seems sad and worried the whole drive, as she passes through a variation of landscapes the band sings about keeping your head up, as they are noticed playing along the countryside. But as the song's sadness becomes happiness, the little girl opens the window. She allows the air in, she smiles and realizes her new home with her mom, is a fresh new start.


I don't blame ya dear for running like you did, all these years
I would do the same, you best believe
The highway signs say we're close, but I don't read those things anymore
I never trusted my own eyes

So keep your head up, keep your love

Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love
Head up, love
Head up, love

 Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

The lyrics I chose, act as an anthem as "Keep your head up, my love," replays over and over again. It's about moving on. Past the railroad signs of distraction and pain, past the obstacles, past the doubt and mistrust in your own eyes. It's about starting over, and knowing it's ok to be frightened, but knowing you have to move forward. And allowing yourself to do so is the greatest achievement of all. So if you're going through a tough time, "Keep your head up," and listen to The Lumineers, trust me it'll give you the little pep-talk you need. :)



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Demi Lovato strikes her fans with a #HeartAttack

 "Heart Attack"
      by Demi Lovato

   When we last heard from Ms. Lovato she graced the charts with hits like Skyscraper and Give Your Heart A Break. 

   Then after embarking on a full concert tour for that album appropriately entitled "Unbroken," Lovato was propositioned to be a celebrity judge on U.S.A's version of the hit singing competition X factor. And she quickly become a well loved, and valued member.
(Even though Simon Cowell will try
and deny it!) ;)

   It's been quite a while since, Demi's fans ("Lovatics")  have heard new material. Demi has been hard at work on her 4th studio album, said to be released later this year. And with rumors of her new single dropping this coming week, Demi surprised unsuspecting fans this Sunday night, with an EARLY release of her new single suspiciously entitled Heart Attack.


The feelings got lost in my lungs
They're burning, I'd rather be numb
And there's no one else to blame
So scared I'll take off and run
I'm flying too close to the sun
And I'll burst into flames

 Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

   As a Demi Lovato fan, myself I can definitely appreciate the honesty she puts in her music. Many may know of her story. She suffered with self harm, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, was intensely bullied as a child which led to her having to be home-schooled, had to deal with her parent's divorce at a young age, and now most recently was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Last year Demi checked herself into a rehab center and bravely fought through her struggles. Emerging months later healthier and happier than ever, a welcome site to her adoring fans.

  Demi has made it through, what one can only call the most difficult time in a young woman's life. In her short 20 years, she has dealt with more pain and heartache then most people know in a lifetime, and adding complicated relationships with several different guys is enough to throw any girl's head into a tailspin. 

  Heart Attack strikes me as a song about a girl who is afraid to let herself fall in love. Sometimes artists may fight the urge to tell their truths in their music, afraid that they will be revealing too much. But in my opinion, not telling your truth...well that's the worst tragedy of all. Because it's that truth... those feelings you've been trying to hide... that are worth writing a song about. Those are the songs that are going to mean something, those are the songs that people are going to be able to relate to.

  As someone who loves to write, and who would love to make a living out of it, someday. I think it's easier to write the things you feel you can't say out loud. And in Demi's case she does just that. Heart Attack has already been climbing the iTunes charts, it's #1 in the U.S. and several other countries and it's only been out for a  few days! 

  The song is about a guy who makes you want to feel girly, makes you want to get dressed up, someone you want to impress. It's about having feelings for someone and trying to hide those feelings from that person, in fear of what might happen if he finds out. It's about using that distance as a defense mechanism and not being able to act naturally around him due to nerves. 

  Even though I fell in love with the song's chorus, the lyrics I chose, just stuck out to me. It's about that nervous feeling you get just by being around him, and how avoiding it and running from that love can feel like a better option at that moment in time. And I hope, for those reading this, that you are not naive enough to believe that I'm just rambling, because I'll bet you yourself have at one point in your life felt this way, 
(even if it was just in your middle school 

  Although hearing the beginning of the song can mistake it for a techno related club song... it gets more acoustic once she starts singing. It isn't strictly just her and a guitar, but it's definitely not pure dance pop. There is a deeper meaning to Demi's message, but the catchy chorus is definitely a bonus! 

   Demi is one of my favorite vocalist. It's interesting because I feel like vocally she blows most artist out of the water. It's a shame she has just started being globally recognized vocally. I think it was because she was lumped in with the Disney teeny boppers, that no one took her seriously. (No disrespect to Disney Channel... I grew up on that shit! It's the bomb!) But I just meant that her target audience would have mainly consisted of  young kids, and now since taking a new musical direction and due to the fact that she is able to draw inspiration from personal life experience, her fan base has expanded. And I'm very proud to say, I am definitely a fan of the very talented Ms. Lovato. Just call me a Lovatic. #sorryimnotsorry  ;)

In an interview with MTV, Demi talks about her new risky release saying it is about “falling in love and taking that risk. But, she’s terrified and, by ‘she,’ I mean me. But, I think everyone comes to a point where they feel very vulnerable in falling in love and that’s what I’m talking about.”

**So have you heard Demi's Heart Attack yet? What do you think? 




(Follow me on twitter @MichelleShuffle :D)



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Breakup Song Extraordinaire

This is "CRY ME A RIVER"  by Justin Timberlake

This was just too damn perfect (Credit)
Lyric Choice

Sorry Brit Brit (Source)
You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river-er

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

So picture it, you just caught your girlfriend or boyfriend cheating. You're pissed...and you can do one of three things 1.) Confront her/him 2.) Have a beat down with the offender OR 3.) Write a song and get rich....

Although I highly doubt one will be as lucky as Mr.Justin Timberlake. It's no secret that the song is about a love went wrong between him and Pop Princess Britney Spears. But little did Justin know that his artistic revenge would strike pure gold. I guess it's true when they say the best songs are written from heart break. But I have to be honest, even though I LOVE this song, and it's probably one of my favorites of his, it's definitely a bitch slap in the face! And I'd hate to well hate on my girl Britney, but hey she made her bed, no she has to lie in it, for years to come, because that song is still huge! And it's catchy as hell, come on don't you just feel vindicated just singing along to it!

As a matter of fact, Cry me a river has gone on to become quite the breakup Anthem, with a number of stars covering it; Kelly Clarkson, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and New Found Glory. 

I am a huge Justin Timberlake fan, and when I say huge I mean HUGE. Have been ever since the days of N SYNC... which we will save for a later date, because I still can't believe what with all these boy bands reuniting that the best one out there won't just do a reunion's killing 90's girls everywhere!

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Justin Timberlake has made his return to music...he has released a new single "Suit & Tie" and now "Mirrors." All off his upcoming album "The 20/20 Experience."  He has said he plans to tour and that 2013 will be a big year for him. I honestly can't even wait! 7 years I've been waiting, 7 YEARS!!!!!

I've been lucky enough to have been in the audience for his first record tour and his second, and let me just say, that even Justin Timberlake haters would have been impressed. It's really amazing how far he's come and how much respect he's gained in the music industry. All I can say is I'm a proud fan!

Justin's new album is out MARCH 19th!!!! Get Ready!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Waging "War" as Poison becomes Wine

This is "Poison & Wine" by The Civil Wars

[Photo Credit]

Lyric Choice
[Photo Credit]

Oh I don't love you but I always will
I always will

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

For a really long time this song was played on a loop. I even used it for my music video project for my basic digital media class. I first discovered The Civil Wars when they opened for Adele two years ago.

I remember sitting in the Beacon Theatre and listening to the lyrics from Poison & Wine and… I’m not even kidding you, I felt like my heart was breaking and I felt like I was about to cry. The song is pretty self explanatory, it’s main lyric that sticks out for me is “I don’t love you, but I always will,”…and basically it’s about a relationship that will forever be one of those things that will always hold a place in your heart, regardless of what happened, or what that person has put you through; good or bad.

It’s interesting, when you go to a concert. Sometimes you go and see the opening act, well because you want to, or because you just don’t want to chance missing the main act. For me, opening acts are a like a present. I love discovering new music and hearing them live. It’s the best way possible. You not only get to hear their music organically, but you also get to “meet them” in a way. You get to see what they’re like as people, as individuals. The Civil Wars were so personal, they treated you like friends, that told stories and joked around. They made it feel more intimate, rather than a huge concert. It's takes a great presence to pull that off.

Sometimes, the opening acts aren’t always amazing; sometimes you don’t make a long lasting connection with them. But The Civil Wars…well they were a true gift. It is because of them, that my ass is even in the chair during opening acts. I realize how much love I’ve acquired for them, and that was all by accident. Because who knows if I ever would have found them otherwise. It’s made me want to find other new artists that I have yet to connect with.

The Civil Wars consist of two members; John Paul White, and Joy Williams. And no... surprisingly enough they are not a couple. Although the whole time watching them, it’s very easy to make that mistake. They have such a strong musical romance, their voices combine together beautifully. I remember hearing Joy say in an interview how they are “Musical Soulmates,” and I remember thinking to myself , how beautiful and true that appeared to be.

Now that I think of it, they have made quite a name for themselves in the past two years. Winning 3 Grammy Awards, lending their voices to accompany Taylor Swift for the track Safe and Sound on The Hunger Games soundtrack, being nominated for various other awards and now working on a new upcoming album. Since I saw them their music has been featured in movies and television shows; personally speaking I remember hearing Poison & Wine on both The Vampire Diaries and Grey’s Anatomy.
I can’t wait to see what they have planned for their follow up…something tells me it’s going to be a gift I’m just as grateful for as the last!

Oh and if your interested they covered MJ's Billie Jean, which you can probably guess from my earlier post, that I was super excited about... take a look, it's pretty freakin' amazing.



Monday, February 18, 2013

Vocally "Impossible" to Beat

This is "IMPOSSIBLE" by Christina Aguilera 
[Photo Credit]

Lyric Choice:
It's impossible for me to give you what you need
If you're always hidin' from me

I don't know what hurt you
I just, I wanna make it right
Cos boy I'm sick and tired of trying to read your mind

This is not a circus
Don't you play me for a clown
How long can emotions keep on goin' up and down

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE


Ok so for this song, I'm gonna paint a little picture for you. I'm gonna create an atmosphere. Imagine yourself walking into an old jazz infused bar. Cigar smoke wafting through the air, the fragrance mixes in with bourbon and a hit of women's perfume. The piano dances, the symbols rattle, and then the slow steady... at times fierce... drum blends in with a constant strong tapping of the piano keys. Then you look across the room as the red velvet curtain slowly rises. And there on the stage, she stands. Her presence but a silhouette. The beauty is all in her voice.

I think it's safe to say that Christina Aguilera is one of the most talented and vocally brilliant singers of this generation. Say what you will about her personality, because those who watch her on The Voice have been quite annoyed by her, myself included. But her voice is a power house. Now I am more of a Britney girl myself ;), but there is no doubt in my mind that Christina has pure talent.

I chose this song, because of the atmosphere it creates around me. It isn't one of her most well known hits. It isn't like her song Genie in a bottle, or Dirrty. It's a song in a class of it's own. Now lyrically you may not think it's that brilliant, but we will get to that. But vocally, I mean if you can't agree that she's fantastic...well then I don't know what your smokin'. ;)

The strength and control it must take to sing in the way she does, it's something I will always be in awe of.
I saw Christina in concert a good 10 years ago. She had went on tour with Justin Timberlake, and let's just say I'm kind of a little obsessed  (for lack of a more appropriate term) with Justin Timberlake. But having her perform on tour with him, was an extremely pleasant bonus. She did what almost every great female performer does, she put on a show. She changed her chair and her clothes countless times, and used stage props. And I am sure there was at least some point in the night where she was sitting on a swing overlooking the audience (ode to Britney Spears). But the truth is, I don't think she would have needed any of the extras. I think she is at her best when she's just singing. Just her, and the mic (and maybe a piano). Because to have talent like that, well that is something even money can't buy...(tell that to her record deal? huh?)

The main focus of this song is Christina's struggle with a man, and it explores how she is willing to be whatever he needs her to be, but she is unable to, if he never opens up to her. If he never confides in her; she expresses that in this beautifully crafted piece. The lyrics chosen show how frustrated she is with him and how she wishes to fix his past and will if he will tell her what is on his mind. She also shows how she is not willing to be a doormat; she is not willing to be made a fool of. It is a perfect depiction of the roller-coaster that is a relationship.

Now you may not be a Christina fan, but there is no denying talent. Give credit where credit's due. If you have any doubts's a video of Christina performing a tribute to James Brown... "It's a Man's World" ...She Kills It!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Would you live in a Lego House?

This is "Lego House" by Ed Sheeran          

Lyric Choice:

I'm gonna pick up the pieces,
And build a Lego house
If things go wrong we can knock it down


I'm gonna paint you by numbers
And color you in
If things go right we can frame it and put you on a wall

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

   I first heard of Ed Sheeran because I heard another one of his songs Give Me Love on the tv show The Vampire Diaries. I remember hearing it and being obsessed with finding out who sang it. So I guess you're wondering, well if she loved that song so much why did she pick this one? Well the truth of the matter is, that I have now transferred my love to this song. Once I found out about Ed Sheeran, I did a little digging into his music, and found a whole bunch more. He's already big in the UK, but is increasingly getting bigger in the U.S., now on tour with America's Favorite Taylor Swift. Ed is making quite the name for himself.

   But in my opinion his music speaks for itself. Lego House quickly became one of my favorites once, I bought the album. Sometimes it's hit or miss with an artist. For instance you love one of their songs so you go buy the whole album and then end up just listening to that one song you bought it for. Or correction used to go out and buy CD's...nowadays everything is just electronically downloaded, but whatever I'm still a CD girl and I like it! ;)

  Well for me, I think it's safe to say that I do have my favorites on Sheeran's album; entitled "+," yea don't ask, I don't get it either. But it's safe to say that I love his whole record. Every song really tells you a story about his life. And I don't know about you guys, but I'll go looking at the lyrics in the CD's, and then glance over the artist's Thank You notes and in Ed Sheeran's Thank You's he thanks a girl, for whom he wrote all the songs for. So hey....obviously he had some heavy inspiration!

   Now let's pull our focus to the song in question; Lego House. Ed uses the child toy Legos, as a metaphor. He speaks about building a Lego house, and then tearing it down if things between him and the girl do not work out. In other words take the chance at building a foundation, and then if it doesn't work remove it, at least you know you've tried. In the second portion of my Lyric Choice, Ed uses another child toy favorite color by numbers; you guys remember that don't you? Where you would have a picture and each portion of the picture was given a number. Then there was a "color key" given and you would have to color each number its own color. At the end you would have a fully colored picture! It was pretty awesome, if I remember correctly! Anyway, Ed uses this metaphor stating that he will paint her by numbers and color her in, and frame it on a wall, if the outcome is right for both. To me this means that he will try his hardest in his relationship and if all goes well then he will frame it like a picture on a wall, for all to see, and treasure it like a photo captures and treasures a memory.

   Now if you watch the music video, that's a whole different story, let's just say Ron Weasley (from Harry Potter) is seen in a new light! I think the video was done just for fun, because the lyrics in this song are purely based on emotion, and personally I really gravitate toward songs about personal experiences and love, because I think they tell the most truth about life and what it all means.

So have you heard of Ed yet? ...What's your take on his Lego House?


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Name Twins? ;)

This is "Go On My Child" by Michelle Featherstone 

Lyric Choice:

Don't feel so naked
I am the blanket of hope
Your words are life rafts
And they keep us afloat
And when this long painful journey comes to an end
They will be touched by the message, the message you've sent
                                                                   Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

  This song is so beautifully written that it makes me want to cry…(ok maybe I already did…just a little). I guess because of my love of writing, I have a strong relationship with lyrics then most normal people would. After all aren’t lyrics thoughtful words put to music? 

   Haven’t you ever had a song just get you. Get what you might be feeling at that particular moment in your life. Songs can do that…Music does do that. And this song has done that for me many times.

   I was  first introduced to this song, because it was featured in an episode of the tv show One Tree Hill. How Michelle Featherstone’s Go On My Child,  is used in this episode made such an impact on me that it has always stuck in my head. 

  That's the funny thing about music, it is used across so many different mediums; radio, the internet, movies, television. It's amazing how much a scene in a tv show can be much more elevated with the added impact of the perfect song. 

  In the episode the "Brooke Davis" character is faced with a tough decision; having to choose between staying in New York for the fashion chance of a life time or to go back home and lead her cheer-leading team and friends in their yearly competition. Brooke watches on as a random group of friends seem to be living young and  having fun together while on a phone booth nearby is a poster of the model that has introduced her to the dark side of the fashion world. A world she never knew existed; a world of drugs and drinking and liars. She is unhappy by the revelation and seeing those kids and the model creates the idea that she has a choice to make. Does she choose her friends and the life she's always loved or the fashion model and the life of fame? (**Spoiler Alert: She chooses her friends**)  It’s a beautiful metaphor and the song's message is perfectly displayed. 

 The whole song is about fighting past all the criticisms of those around you and "going on," with your head held high and not letting society keep you from doing what you love or achieving your dreams. The lyric choice is one of my favorite parts of the song, I think it is a bit more of a pick me up. This song is a message to those who need a little help or inspiration, and the lyrics chosen displays the hope that at the end of such a painful haul, there will be some type of clarity or release. It's based on the belief that somehow, you can get through it all. 

What's your favorite inspirational song?



Monday, February 11, 2013

Michael's Music Lives On...

This is Billie Jean by Michael Jackson

Lyric Choice:

Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

     From the last post to this one you can see there is a bit of a transition in genre, while The Fray is heard on pop radio today, their style is more soft rock than mainstream pop. As we go along you'll soon find out that my musical taste is all over the place!  

    Meanwhile, Michael Jackson is known (and in my opinion still known) for holding the “King of Pop” title. I've grown up listening to Michael Jackson’s music; it was always played in my house. And although I have many other "MJ" favorites, such as Smooth Criminal, P.Y.T, The Way You Make Me Feel, You Are Not Alone, and Wanna Be Startin’ Something, just to name a few...

    I chose Billie Jean, because it’s a classic. Michael skirts around the idea of a woman pursuing him, and how he is no longer interested and claims he is not the father of her child. The chorus is my lyric choice because everyone has to know the chorus, I mean come on... it's the best part! If you've never belted out the Billie Jean chorus, well then you're seriously missing out my friends.

   What I love about this song is that you don't need to completely focus on the lyrics in order to enjoy it. This is more about the music itself… the rhythms, the beat, the feeling you get when the drums start that intro. I don't know about you guys, but it always makes me wanna dance. If only I could moonwalk ;)

   On a side note, Michael Jackson passed away in 2009. It’s been 4 years, and even in his death he is well known for being one of the most influential musicians of all time. Personally speaking, I was really sad when I heard of his death. It was the day I graduated from high school, my ceremony had just ended and everyone was coming out and taking their pictures and saying their congratulations. Then one friend got a text and it was all down here from there. I remember not believing it and then it was all over the radio and on every news station.

   Say what you will about him, everyone knows he was in the tabloids for many unflattering accusations. But no one will ever fully know the truth. And honestly I don’t have much of an opinion when it comes to that kind of gossip, all I know is he was an incredible musician. He is still a trendsetter in today's pop music. He invented dance moves that are still very much being emulated today. Where do you think Usher, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Ne-Yo and Justin Bieber get their inspiration from? It all started with Michael.

So...What's your favorite MJ song?


Friday, February 8, 2013

Ironic Happiness

This is “Happiness” by The Fray

The crowd was mesmerized...

Lyric Choice:

Happiness is a firecracker sitting on my headboard
Happiness was never mine to hold
Careful child, light the fuse and get away

‘Cause happiness throws a shower of sparks

Read the rest of the lyrics HERE

 What I love about this song is the irony behind it. It’s called “Happiness” yet through the lyrics you can see the underlying feeling of life being just “too good to be true.” 

That your happy moment will end soon, or somehow be taken away from you. Or if it doesn’t, self sabotage may give it a little push in the right direction. In the lyrics I chose, you can see how they use a firecracker exploding as a metaphor for the ups and downs Happiness can bring. By the end of the song there is always some hope in Happiness.

Personally I’ve had my days where this song would come on and it would just hit home. Because, in my opinion, many view Happiness with the sad illusion that you have to have everything you ever wanted to achieve that ultimate level of Happiness. When in reality it is always evolving, there are all different forms; even the slightest moment could make someone happy. I think it’s something everyone can relate to and I definitely think The Fray is one of the bands out there today, that are the perfect depiction of how lyrics can really tell a story. I’ve seen them 3 times, and they are even better live!

Here’s a LIVE performance of "Happiness"…if you’re interested!
